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Bass Lick of the Week
£12.00This book collects all the exercises included in Stuart Clayton’s 2017-2018 YouTube series Bass Lick of the Week. The 52 exercises included here have been written in a variety of different genres and utilise a wide range of techniques. ISBN: 978-1-7398292-6-1 Number of Pages: 68
Bass Monsters
£22.00This book contains transcriptions of some of the most challenging pieces every written for the bass guitar. The bass players featured within these pages have all contributed heavily to the development of the bass guitar and its function within music. Includes pieces by Victor Wooten, Billy Sheehan, Jeff Berlin, Stuart Hamm, Mark King and more.…
100 Slap Bass Grooves
£15.00This book is an exercise book for those who wish to develop their slap bass technique. Featuring 100 brand new exercises covering all ability levels, the book follows the same chapter structure as Ultimate Slap Bass, making it the perfect companion volume. ISBN: 978-1-7398292-3-03 Number of Pages: 68 Download Audio Files Here