This booklet contains a detailed biography for virtuoso bassist Stuart Hamm, as well as a selected discography and an analysis of the equipment he uses. It also includes the sheet music/TAB and performance notes for ‘Slap & Tickle’, a challenging tune written in the style of his solo work. Number of Pages: 20
This booklet contains a detailed biography for bassist Carol Kaye, as well as a selected discography and an analysis of the equipment she uses. It also includes the sheet music/TAB and performance notes for ‘Pick a Game to Play’, a challenging tune written to represent her style of playing. Number of Pages: 14
This booklet contains a detailed biography for bassist Duck Dunn, as well as a selected discography and an analysis of the equipment he used. It also includes the sheet music/TAB and performance notes for ‘Who Dunnit?’, a fun tune written in the style of his work at the Stax label. Number of Pages: 14
This booklet contains a detailed biography for Level 42 bassist Mark King, as well as a selected discography and an analysis of the equipment he uses. It also includes the sheet music/TAB and performance notes for ‘King for a Day’, a challenging tune written in the style of his work with jazz-funk group Level 42.…
This book is the seventh in a series written by UK bassist Marek Bero. In this book you’ll find 101 unique grooves written in odd time signatures built on the quarter note, eighth note and sixteenth note subdivisions.There are also exercises that combine these time signatures with each other, and with more conventional time signatures.…
This book is the third in a series of books written by UK bassist Marek Bero. In this book, you will find 101 exercises built on the major and minor pentatonic scales. Learning these exercises will help you to absorb the sounds of these scales, enabling you to play more creative basslines, dirty blues licks…
This book is the tenth in a series of books written by UK bassist Marek Bero. In this book, you will find 101 exercises that will guide you through topics such as double stops, playing tenth chords, seventh chords, ninth chords sus4 chords and much more. All the exercises in this book include tablature and…
This book is the sixth in a series of books written by UK bassist Marek Bero. In this book, you will find 101 exercises which will help you to master the melodic and harmonic minor scales and their modes on a four-string bass. All of the exercises in this book include tablature and recommended fingerings.…
This book is an in-depth transcription and analysis book for John Entwistle, legendary bassist with The Who. Features eighteen full song transcriptions, a full biography and a technique and equipment analysis. ISBN: 978-1-7398292-5-4 Number of Pages: 176
This book contains bass guitar transcriptions of 14 songs written and performed by the Brothers Johnson. Featuring the band’s biggest hits including ‘Stomp’, ‘Strawberry Letter 23’, ‘Ain’t We Funkin’ Now’ and more, this book is a goldmine for fans of Louis Johnson’s incredible bass playing. ISBN: 978-1-7398292-8-5 Number of Pages: 108
This book is a collection of five pieces from Marcus Miller’s 2015 album Afrodeezia. The book also contains a biography of Marcus, details on the instruments he uses and a detailed analysis of his playing style. ISBN: 978-0-9933727-6-6 Number of Pages: 128
This booklet contains a detailed biography for legendary rock bassist John Paul Jones, as well as a selected discography and an analysis of the equipment he uses. It also includes the sheet music/TAB and performance notes for ‘Lead Balloon’, a challenging tune written in the style of his work with Led Zeppelin. Number of Pages: 14