Beginner Bass Course

Welcome to the Beginner Bass course! This detailed series of video courses will guide you through the fundamentals of learning the bass guitar, from tuning up and learning the notes, to playing some simple basslines. Along the way we’ll also learn a little music theory, and cover methods of learning techniques that will help you […]


Beginner Level – Plectrum Technique

This beginner plectrum course takes you from the absolute basics, through to playing alternate picking lines across all four strings of the bass. This course contains the following sub-courses (click on each one to see to the full content).


Beginner Level – Slap Bass

This course is the perfect place to start if you are completely new to the slap bass technique. Throughout this series, we’ll be looking at each element of the technique in turn, learning how to use it, then employing it in a series of real-world exercises. This course contains the following sub-courses (click on each […]


Intermediate Level – Study Pieces

Click on each of the courses below to see the full series of video tutorials for that piece. Remember that for each of these pieces, there is a downloadable resources folder containing a PDF transcription, as well as the required audio files. Each of these courses is approximately 45 minutes in length.


Intermediate Level – Plectrum Technique

This intermediate level plectrum video course follows directly on from the beginner instalment, building on the ideas that were covered there. This time around, we’ll be expanding on the alternate picking concept and using it to play more complex, sixteenth note-based lines. Each of the video courses shown below contains multiple videos containing many hours […]


Intermediate Level – Song Tutorials

Click on each of the courses below to see the full series of video tutorials for that piece. Remember that for each of these pieces, there is a downloadable resources folder containing a PDF transcription, as well as the required audio files. Each of these courses is approximately 45 minutes in length.