Bass Lick of the Week #10

This exercise is a slow slap and pop bass groove that has a Marcus Miller vibe. This line opens with a double stop: G on the E-string and Bb on the G-string. To play these, pluck the G with the thumb and the Bb with the first finger. These notes are then played again as […]


Bass Lick of the Week #11

This exercise is a rock bassline that is built on the E minor pentatonic scale. This line was written to be played with a plectrum and sounds great with some mild distortion/overdrive. This bassline makes use of an important scale – the minor pentatonic. This scale is a great choice for rock basslines, but is […]


Bass Lick of the Week #12

This exercise is a fingerstyle funk bassline that reflects an F# dominant seventh chord. It also uses trills and double stops, both of which are common ingredients in funk lines. This line opens with an A# played on the ‘and’ of beat 4 of the count-in. After playing this note, slide upwards to E, then […]


Bass Lick of the Week #13

This exercise is an uptempo slap line that uses the triplet popping technique that was pioneered by bassist Stuart Hamm. After playing the F# at the beginning of bar one, a semiquaver triplet is played on the second half of the beat. All of the notes here are ghost notes and are performed as follows: […]


Bass Lick of the Week #14

This week’s exercise is a two handed tapping line that’s a lot easier to play than it might sound. In fact, if you’ve never tried the technique before, this is a perfect exercise to begin with. This line opens with two notes that are performed solely by hammering on with your fretting hand: use your […]


Bass Lick of the Week #15

This exercise is a slow-tempo chordal lines that uses open string tenths and harmonics. This line begins with a hammer-on from D to E at the twelfth and fourteenth frets of the D-string. This is immediately followed by a pull-off from A to G# at the fourteenth and thirteenth frets of the G-string. With the […]


Bass Lick of the Week #16

This exercise is another funk groove that’s played with the plectrum. The approach used here is very similar to that used in Bass Lick of the Week #1, so if you have successfully worked through that exercise, you should find that this one comes together quite easily. Like Bass Lick #1, this line is based […]


Bass Lick of the Week #17

This exercise is a fingerstyle funk groove written in the style of legendary bassist Jaco Pastorius. This line is based on an Eb7 sound and uses chord tones heavily – as all good basslines do. With that in mind, it’s a good idea to be familiar with the notes in this chord before working on […]


Bass Lick of the Week #18

This week’s exercise is a slap and pop groove. Although the first three bars of this exercise are relatively simple, there is a complex fill in the fourth bar, based on Victor Wooten’s ‘open-hammer-pluck’ technique. For the first three bars of this exercise you will be playing basic slap and pop octave figures, using conventional […]


Bass Lick of the Week #19

This exercise is a rock bassline played over a 5-4 time signature. It’s played with a pick and sounds great when played with some distortion. This bassline is in the key of F# minor and is built on the F# blues scale, which is essentially just the minor pentatonic scale with an added note, a […]