Bass Lick of the Week #30

This week’s exercise is a semiquaver-based groove that’s played with the plectrum. When playing lines with the plectrum – particularly if they are based on a semiquaver pulse – it’s crucial that you maintain a consistent down-up-down-up picking motion. This was covered in detail back in the notes for Bass Lick #1, so refer to […]


Bass Lick of the Week #31

This week’s exercise is a heavily syncopated fingerstyle funk groove that works over a D7 chord. After playing the two D’s on the A-string at the beginning of the first bar, you’ll be descending the G-string using the octave, the minor seventh (C), the major sixth (B), the minor sixth (Bb) and the fifth (A). […]


Bass Lick of the Week #32

This week’s exercise is a slap and pop groove that incorporates some strummed chords and is played over a shuffle feel. This track features strummed power chords in the first two bars. To play these, strum downwards with the fingers of your picking hand, allowing the nails to strike the strings. This will give your […]


Bass Lick of the Week #33

This week’s exercise is a busy, semiquaver-based groove that makes use of the blues scale. It’s also played with the plectrum, and features some awkward string crossing. In the first and third bars you’ll be playing an ascending line using the C blues scale. Because this part is played using a syncopated semiquaver rhythm, you’ll […]


Bass Lick of the Week #34

This week’s exercise is a chordal line that features a lot of harmonics. This line is built from chords that are played as a combination of harmonics and fretted bass notes. The opening chord is a B power chord (root-fifth-octave) and is played by fretting the B at the second fret of the A-string, and […]


Bass Lick of the Week #35

This week’s line is a busy fingerstyle funk groove that makes use of many decorations such as hammer-ons, slides, and shakes. After sliding into the E at the seventh fret of the A-string from the D two frets below, a melodic phrase is played on the upper two strings. The first three notes of this […]


Bass Lick of the Week #36

This week’s exercise is an up-tempo slap groove that makes extensive use of fretting hand slaps. The key to mastering the first bar of the exercise is in learning to play fretting hand slaps in between the pitched notes. To do this, you’ll need to make sure that you are fretting the notes with the […]


Bass Lick of the Week #37

This week’s exercise is a semiquaver-based plectrum groove, which sounds great with some additional palm muting. In the first bar, after playing the root note F on the E-string, the majority of the line is played on the D-string. As this line is semiquaver-based, you’ll want to be playing using a consistent down-up-down-up picking motion […]


Bass Lick of the Week #38

This week’s exercise is a chordal line that is played at a very slow tempo. This exercise is in the key of C minor and uses some three-note chord voicings for major and minor chords. For the first chord – C minor – fret the C on the E-string with the first finger, and the […]


Bass Lick of the Week #39

This week’s exercise is a slow-tempo fingerstyle funk line written in the style of Jaco Pastorius. This exercise should be played with some specific fingerings. After playing the two Bb’s on beat one, you should fret the E at the beginning of the second beat with your third finger. Your fourth finger can then play […]