Bass Lick of the Week #50

This week’s exercise is a melodic line that uses tenths and chords to outline the harmony. In the first bar, a descending figure B – G# – E is played following an open E-string. These notes are the fifth, third and root of an E major chord, so the tonality is very well-defined here. At […]


Bass Lick of the Week #51

This exercise is an uptempo funk groove that is played with the plectrum. Palm muting has also been used quite extensively here. The first bar opens with a four-note figure on the first beat. A D is played at the seventh fret of the G-string and is followed by a ghost note. These two notes […]


Bass Lick of the Week #52

This final exercise in the Bass Lick of the Week series is a slap and pop groove that also makes use of some strummed chords. This line opens with a B power chord, which is strummed with the fingers of the picking hand. To strum this chord, flick downwards forcefully, allowing the fingernails to strike […]